November Update: Phase II completed, and Soon To Go Live!

MWW enters Phase III of their upgrade plans, and prepares for the launch of the new Town of Montague website

RocketFusion Upgrades!

As of today, Tuesday, November 7th, 2017, Montague WebWorks completed Phase II of the Fall 2017 upgrade plan. Every RocketFusion website was moved to our new, faster server. Almost everything about the server is newer and better, and this paves the way for further upgrades to the RocketFusion platform, which will begin next week.

The first set of upgrades will be targeted at Google and their new requirements:

  • Every website will automatically have an SSL certificate, so every RF website will show as https://...
  • We will embed hidden semantic tags in the Photo Gallery to improve e-commerce SEO
  • We will fine-tune the code behind the RF interface to deliver pages faster

The next set of upgrades are targeted at YOU, the customer, for a better website management experience:

  • We will upgrade the page editor (CK Edit) to include a photo upload manager
  • We will also improve photo uploading and management capabilities in the Photo Gallery and the Carousel
  • We will install a free web log analyzer so you can see what kind of traffic your website is getting if you don't have Google Analytics installed
  • We will add another payment option, so you aren't forced to use PayPal on your website
  • Other minor upgrades as well, which only the very experienced users will notice

This is a fairly ambitious list to take up so close to the holidays, but we are committed to getting as much of it done by early December, especially the Google-related items.

We are getting all this done NOW so as to pave the way for more customers next year. As we mentioned before, we have a fairly aggressive marketing schedule planned for December and January. Hopefully it will all pay off, and 2018 will be our best year yet.

We are rapidly approacing the go-live date of Monday, November 13, for the official Town of Montague website. This is our sixth Town website, and definitely the one closest to our hearts. Montague WebWorks was born in Montague, after all, and we have wanted this project for a very long time. Look to the November 16th's edition of the Montague Reporter for a full-page advertisement regarding this launch. We're quite excited about this!

So far 2017 has been a fantastic year for MWW, and we're looking forward to an even better one in 2018.

Thanks to you all.

-Mik Muller, MWW

Posted: to WebWorks News on Tue, Nov 7, 2017
Updated: Tue, Nov 14, 2017