Cancelling Your Events

What to do if you’re cancelling events, and how to tell everyone

Dear Montague WebWorks customer,

As you may have heard, events are being cancelled all over our area due to the COVID-19 virus. You may be considering or have already declared one or more of your events cancelled.

Here are some steps you may want to take with your website to let your customers, employees, or fans know.

First: Mark Events in your Calendar as CANCELLED

  • Log in to your website
  • Go to your calendar
  • Edit the event
  • Check the box that says "Cancelled" up near the top
  • Save Changes

If your event doesn't have any text content (ie; it's just the title, date / time) you can scroll down the list under the actual calendar grid and click the red pencil icon for the event.

Marking your event as cancelled in this manner will display it as such on the calendar grid; in the list below the calendar grid; on the side bar / box; in any other calendar boxes your site may have.

Additionally, if you have set up automatic every-Friday-morning emails from your calendar it will attach the CANCELLED notice for each event that is cancelled.

Do not delete the event from your calendar. If people were aware of the event and were planning on attending, it should remain in the calendar, but marked as being cancelled so if they go to your website to check for updates they will be properly informed instead of confused.

Second: Share and Email the Cancelled Event

If you missed the Friday morning window with your automated emails, you can go back to your cancelled event and manually send it out.

  • Go to the event (but not edit)
  • Make sure the event is marked cancelled (you'll see it in the event's title)
  • Mouse over the white [...] button, then mouse-over the white Share button and click Send by Email
    • You can click Share on Facebook or Twitter or LinkedIn and follow that workflow, afterwards
  • This brings you to the Send Email to Contacts page
  • Review the email subject and the text in the body of the email, making any changes you need
    • You'll note that the title and body of the email already has language about the event being cancelled
  • Scroll down the page and Select the lists (if any) from your list of Recipients
    • You can check more than one list, or just select All Contacts
  • Click the big green Send This Email button at the bottom

When sending emails in this manner, the server sends emails in batches of 100 once a minute.

The more proactive you are about your events in the calendar, the less confusion there will be.

Stay healthy.

Mik & Donna
Montague WebWorks

Posted: to WebWorks News on Fri, Mar 13, 2020
Updated: Mon, Jun 22, 2020