HampMusic project featured on MassLive.com

Check it out!

Montague WebWorks' new website HampMusic.com has made it to the homepage of MassLive.com!

Here's the direct link to the article by George Lenker:



HampMusic is marching to a different drummer.

An old favorite local music website, HampMusic.com, was recently taken over by Montague WebWorks and the results have been both immediate and stunning. The site previously just listed band dates for a handful of Hampshire County clubs, but now will expand to become a sort of clearinghouse for all sorts of local music information, both for clubs and other music venues.

Patrick Davis, managing partner of Montague WebWorks also said he hopes to expand the site's reach beyond Hampshire County and cover the entire Pioneer Valley.

Stay tuned to this feed for more information.

Posted: to WebWorks News on Wed, Apr 1, 2009
Updated: Fri, Feb 24, 2023