We’re printing up a small spiral-bound book filled with website advice, marketing tips, and listing all our customers! And it’s FREE!
Hello Montague WebWorks Customer,
This fall we will be printing up a spiral-bound book, MWW Web Tips & Tricks, which will include many articles with all kinds of great information from the brains of Mik and his cohorts on the subject of online marketing and website usage, and will also include a directory of all MWW customers. As long as you're up and running, you're current with your hosting, and you plan to continue being a Montague WebWorks customer in 2015... you will be in the book, for FREE.
Why a printed book? Well, it's a bit of a novelty, for sure, but we hope that everyone who gets a copy will glean something helpful from it, and that every customer who is in the book will peruse the other local businesses, and patronize them. Just keep it by your desk, or in your car.
Mostly we just want to show off, while giving every one of our customers a little marketing boost.
Every Montague WebWorks customer will get a 1/4-page classified-style listing in the book, for free.
The book will be 4.25" wide by 5.5" high, and the classified ads will run four to a page: full width, quarter height. Your listing will include your business name (in bold), street address, phone, website address, and a one-sentence (appx 20 word) description. If you have more than one website with us, we will list them each individually.
We are also selling a limited number of full-page display ads in the book for $100 to help defray the cost of printing. If you want to purchase a display ad, which could include your logo, photos, etc, you should contact Mik at 413-320-5336. Display ads need to be 3.25" wide, by 4.5" high, at 300dpi, and the deadline is October 30. Display ads are only available to MWW customers.
Businesses who have taken out display ads are:
Every Montague WebWorks customer will get a free copy in the mail, which comes to about 200 local businesses.
We will also give out 400 copies at the Franklin County Chamber holiday breakfast, which happens on Friday, December 19th, at Deerfield Academy. Join the chamber, hey!
So, that's 600 copies altogether. Make sure we get your contact information right.
Below we outline how each of you should get us your information. Skip down to the type of customer you are.
We will be taking information directly from your website. Please make sure you have the following information properly filled out. You do not have to email it to us. Just make sure to update the info here:
We have your address and phone number already on file. Make sure you have the above info properly filled out on your website by October 30th.
We will contact you directly if we don't already have the above info.
We need your information no later than Thursday, October 30th, to ensure we have time to lay out the book and get everything right. The book will be printed December 1st to ensure we have it in time for the Franklin County Chamber breakfast on December 19th.
You'll hear from us again in another two weeks as the deadline gets closer. Don't be afraid to call if you have questions.
This is going to be very cool!
-Mik 413-320-5336
Posted: to WebWorks News on Mon, Sep 15, 2014
Updated: Wed, Feb 17, 2021