Two events planned for September in Montague and Greenfield
Winners of the adult division in Montague 2010
As many of you know, Mik has been a champion of soapbox or gravity cart racing, and spearheaded yearly races in Turners Falls from 2010 to 2013. Those four years started a competition that delighted fans and participants with a display of engineering, creativity, and fun. In the years since, Mik has reached out to many people and organizations to revive this popular event.
This year we are proud to announce that the races are back with two events coming in September!
Montague is having theirs again on September 19th, and Greenfield is joining the fun the Sunday before, on September 12th. Parents and their kids are signing up to race. Gear heads are signing up to race. Small companies are signing up to race. And also to sponsor.
Because, as it so happens, these new soapbox races are in fact fundraisers for each town’s recreation department. The funds raised in Montague go towards summer camp scholarships and Greenfield’s profits are earmarked for their new skate park. Local businesses are encouraged to sponsor the races, and everyone is encouraged to build a cart and race it. You can find rules and forms at the links listed below.
We are looking to the MWW community of businesses to consider being a sponsor or a racer, or to either volunteer on the day, or donate a needed item to help make the Montague and Greenfield races be a success.
This will be the first year of many, hopefully, with even more races next year (Bernardston is likely to do one in 2022). Becoming involved now gets you in on the first floor, so to speak.
We feel this kind of competition brings together personal and community pride. Kinetic engineering meets world wide wrestling, pop music with classical, chipmunks on wheels with floating spaceships, clowns to the left of me, Mr. T to the right, a box of Tide roll down the hill followed by something straight out of Dr. Seuss.
A sport like this brings together families and neighbors with old fashioned hand-made practical craftsmanship on wheels, with sometimes amazing creativity, and if done right, could tie into the local economy with tourism and commemorative specials, which, all told, benefits everyone involved, one way or the other. It’s good for the world. It's good for the village.
So this is a call, right here and now, for people to gather family and friends and build something cool or funky or funny or super fast or super cute or what the what and enter it into the races, either town or both. Bring people to cheer you on, and buy a hot dog or a t-shirt while you’re there. Contact the committees for each race to compete, sponsor, or volunteer for something. It’s a grand day.
If you would like to support this sport’s return to Franklin County, and specifically to your own town next year to join in the annual derby circuit, perhaps as a fundraiser for your own town’s Rec department, too, please contact me at There's no fee for the advice and planning documents. I'll help you get started.
In this year of the Olympics, with Sportsmanship and capability and community pride, and dare I say it American pride, let’s come together and see what we can do with whatever’s banging around in the garage. Run that puppy down the hill in a fun competition while raising money for your town’s recreation department. And maybe win a cool trophy, too.
See you at the races!
Mik & Donna, Montague WebWorks
Posted: to Mik's Blog, sort of... on Fri, Jul 30, 2021
Updated: Mon, Aug 2, 2021