New Google Analytics is Coming on Saturday

The old Google Analytics (GA3) will be going away -- SWITCH NOW!

If you have a Google Analytics account, you probably have been receiving emails from them about the impending upgrade to Google Analytics 4. It's been available for a year or so, and now Google Analytics 3 is being shut down.

The good news is the switch is not hard to do. Below are the basic steps you need to take, and a link to a very good article on the differences between the two, and a detailed list of the steps.

How to Upgrade from GA3 to GA4

Here's the link to the excellent article on, which includes some info on what the new GA4 can do.

In a nutshell, this is what you need to do:

  • Log in to your Google Analytics account at
  • Create a new "Google Analytics 4 Property"
  • Go to Admin > Date Streams, click the right arrow of your GA4 stream. Copy the Measurement ID, which will start with "G-"
  • Log in to your own website as an admin
  • Go to Admin Panel > Site Settings > Google, and paste JUST THE ACCOUNT NUMBER into the Google Analytics field, replacing the whole "UA-" account number
  • Save changes

If you want to keep all your historical data (and of course you do!)...

  • Go back to Google Analytics
  • Go to Admin > Property > Data Migration

After you've imported your GA3 data into GA4, you can delete your old Property.

If you have questions or need help, let us know.

For customers who we manage their Analytics account, this work has already been done for you.


Mik & Donna

Posted: to WebWorks News on Wed, Jun 28, 2023
Updated: Wed, Jun 28, 2023