Local business wants to underwrite local producers: "Cash for Content"
In a new twist to finding local programming for public access TV stations, local businesses have stepped forward, offering money to underwrite new shows for MCTV.
Mik Muller, a local business owner who is spearheading the effort, said "I've been a board member of MCTV for fourteen years, and thought 'why don't I put a call-out directly to the local viewers and area youth, saying my company, Montague WebWorks, will pay them $25 to shoot a new show and hand it in to MCTV', and then call it underwriting?"
Mik is hoping other businesses will join in the effort by calling MCTV and making the same offer: "Cash for Content."
Local residents interested in creating their own TV show should call MCTV at 413-863-9200 and tell Station Manager Dean Garvin they are interested in taking advantage of the $25 Cash for Content offer.
The use of MCTV's cameras or editing equipment is not required, but residents do have to shoot something new and hand in a completed project on DVD to the station. In order to get funded, producers must:
Once the DVD is handed in to MCTV, Dean will check to make sure the show is about a half-hour or longer, and that the credits are on the DVD. Payment to the producer will soon follow.
Once the show is handed in, it can be shared with other local public access TV stations, such as GCTV in Greenfield, BNCTV in Bernardston/Northfield, AOTV in Athol/Orange, BCTV in Brattleboro, ECAT in Easthampton, NCTV in Northampton, etc.
Public Access TV shows can be about anything:
There are, of course, some stipulations and requirements:
And that's it!
So, start thinking about TV show ideas, grab a camera, shoot some stuff, and hand it in. It can be that simple. Call the TV station for more details at 413-863-9200, or call Mik at 413-320-5336.
You can watch a 30-minute video on Vimeo about how easy creating a TV show can be, here: http://vimeo.com/109258865
Posted: to WebWorks News on Tue, Nov 4, 2014
Updated: Fri, Nov 14, 2014