Montague WebWorks is Moving Our Servers

MWW moves the rest of our servers to a new hosting facility in Michigan

Earlier this month we decided to move our primary email server to another hosting facility so we could improve our email hosting services. The old machine was slower, and had very little hard drive space, thus we could only offer POP3 email.

The new standard is IMAP, which requires more processing power and storage space on the mailserver. Our new server has a faster processor, and has 25x the storage space on a much faster drive. All in all it's a major improvement, as anyone who as used the webmail interface can attest to.

After only a week and a half of use, we are very satisfied with the service of the new facility company, and the speed of the new machine.

This past Friday we got a call from them with an offer for a new main server that we just couldn't refuse. The specs of this machine are made from dreams:

  • Two hex-core processors, producing 12 total processors -- FOUR TIMES FASTER!
  • Five 600GB SAS drives in a RAID5 configuration, producing 1,800GB of storage -- TWENTY FIVE TIMES LARGER!
  • SAS drives can run at 60mb/s sustained read speeds -- TEN TIMES FASTER!
  • And the kicker: 192GB of RAM. Yes, you read that right. 192GB. -- HOLY COW THATS A LOT OF RAM!!

This is a Monster of a Machine

So, we're moving, and very soon. Like... this Monday, December 29.

We will do our level best to make sure every website stays up and serviceable during the transition, but there will be a couple hours where website owners will not be able to make any updates, and new customers will be asked to call via phone rather than use the contact us form. This is to ensure no information is lost while we're coping the database files over.

During this time email will not be impacted whatsoever. Email is served on another machine, which we moved to the new hosting facility a couple weeks ago.

What Does All This Mean?

For all existing Montague WebWorks customers, your website pages will load much, much faster. Like paper. There should be no latency at all.

Additionally, Montague WebWorks is now poised to expand faster than ever, now that we have a server that is literally Google-Grade. We can easily host 1,000 websites on this box and never feel the edges. We can add new service offerings, like a managed e-commerce solution, and FTP hosting.

With the new email server, and people like Greg Aubin on board working on new websites as they come in, it looks like 2015 is poised to be the biggest year yet in MWW history.

I'm glad you're along for the ride.

-Mik Muller, owner
Montague WebWorks

Posted: to WebWorks News on Tue, Dec 23, 2014
Updated: Tue, Dec 23, 2014