Email Settings

Use these settings for your email programs ...

Use the information below to access your email.

Here's a Questionnaire that we need you to fill out, please...

Basic Email Server Settings

Setting Value SSL Port No SSL
Username your full email address
Password your password, case sensitive
Incoming Server 993 143
Outgoing Server 465 587

PLEASE NOTE: You will need to enter in your username and password for BOTH incoming and outgoing mail.

You may also check your email through the webmail interface,

A NOTE about the differences between IMAP and POP3 when receiving email

POP3 is the original method for how people received email, way back in the day. It allows for a single device to download all new email off the server, and then delete them from the server, so that the only email that sits on the server are new emails that arrived after your last sync / download session.

POP3 is quick, efficient, and perfectly fine if you only have one device for reading your email, and you're sure that the device will not crash or somehow lose all your emails.

The one downside of POP3 is not having access to any of your old / already received emails if you don't have that device with you. For instance, if you set up your email account on a desktop computer as POP3, and you need to access an old email but you aren't where the computer is. You won't be able to access those older emails. With an IMAP account, you could.

IMAP is the newer method for how people receive email. It allows for multiple devices to access your email, since it always leaves your email on the server, and merely synchronizes copies of the email to all devices.

So, you could set up your desktop computer to use IMAP for receiving email, and also set it up on your phone and / or tablet. They would all see the same emails, and if you deleted a particular email while using one device, it would be removed from ALL other devices as well. You're deleting that email from the server, the other devices are merely synchronizing themselves to the server.

iPhone / iPod / iPad Settings

To either make changes or add a new email address to the built-in Mail app on your Apple device, you must first open the Settings app, then scroll down to Mail. Once in there you can click on an existing account and skip down to the settings screen, below.

To add a new email account to the Mail app, touch "Add Account" in the top list.

On the next screen touch "Other", then "Add Mail Account" and then begin filling in the account and server info. Please refer to the table at the top of this page for the proper values.

If you are merely changing the settings for an existing account in your Mail app, please refer to the screen shots below (making sure YOUR email address and password are in there, not mine).

It is probably best if you choose IMAP for your email account type, and then make sure to provide the username and password for both Incoming Mail Server and Outgoing Mail Server, or you will not be able to send emails.

When you are done making your changes, touch Done, and wait for the app to verify the settings. This could take up to a couple minutes.

When you get past the Verifying screen, you will be given the option to synchronize not just your email, but also Notes. This is very helpful if you have multiple Apple mobile devices, as you will be able to update any Notes document on both devices.

Thunderbird Settings

In Thunderbird you will need to go to Menu by clicking the three-line icon on the top right, and choosing Options > Account Settings.

If you are creating a new account in ThunderBird, click "Account Actions" at the bottom of the left pane, and select Add Mail Account. Click Manual Setup to get to a window that looks like this:

If you are changing settings to an existing Account, click Server Settings in the left pane, and edit the settings as shown. Note that Outgoing Server (SMTP) is on the bottom of the list in the left pane. This will need to be changed separately.

Posted: to WebWorks News on Mon, Jan 18, 2016
Updated: Wed, Feb 21, 2024